Snohomish Spider Control
Common Types of Washington Spiders
Washington is home to many spider species. While most spiders are venomous, very few are venomous enough to present danger to humans. In our state, the most concerning species are the black widow and yellow sac spiders.
Below is further information about these spiders and other common Washington species:
Black Widows
Black Widows have shiny black bodies and a red hourglass shape on the underside of their abdomens. You may find them in dim, secluded areas like garages, woodpiles, sheds, basements, and crawl spaces. Black Widows typically only bite when provoked or threatened. Their bites can be painful and may cause serious reactions.
Yellow Sac
Yellow Sac spiders have a pale-yellow, elongated body with dark legs. They prefer warm, dry environments, and you may see them in corners, under furniture, and along walls. Yellow Sac spiders are active hunters that do not build webs to catch prey. Instead, they construct silk sacs for laying eggs. Their bites, while venomous and painful, rarely cause severe symptoms.
Giant House Spider
Giant House Spiders are large, brown spiders with a leg span that can reach several inches. You will often find them in dark, moist areas like basements, crawl spaces, and garages. Although they are skilled hunters, they are not aggressive and will attempt to scurry away when startled.
Hobo Spider
Hobo Spiders are medium-sized and brown with chevron-shaped markings on their abdomens. Typically, these spiders find shelter in the outdoors in low-lying vegetation, woodpiles, and rocks. They may also wander indoors during the fall in search of shelter. Despite misconceptions, hobo spiders are harmless to humans.
Cross Orb Weaver
Cross Orbweavers are medium-sized spiders with a silver or gray abdomen marked with a cross-like pattern. They are known for their large, circular webs. You will often find them in gardens, forests, and grassy areas. These spiders are not aggressive toward humans and will retreat if approached.
Call (425) 510-5834 or contact us online for spider control services in Snohomish. Ask us about our veteran, first responder, senior, and ministry worker discounts.
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What Causes Spider Infestations?
If you have seen an unsettling number of spiders in your home or commercial location, you may wonder why these insects have chosen your building. Many things can attract spiders and potentially lead to an infestation.
These include the following:
- The presence of other insects: Spiders are predatory and feed on other insects. If your property has flies, mosquitoes, ants, or other insects, spiders may be more likely to seek out these food sources.
- Clutter and untidiness: Areas with debris, old boxes, or unused items make for great spider hiding and nesting spots. Keeping your property clutter-free can prevent spiders from invading.
- Vegetation and landscaping: Grasses, bushes, and trees provide shelter and hunting grounds for spiders. Having these things near your building could increase the presence of spiders.
- Lighting: Bright exterior lights attract insects that may be spider prey. Using less attractive lighting options or placing lights away from your building’s entry points can mitigate issues with spiders.
- Cracks, gaps, and other entryways: Small cracks, gaps, or openings in walls, windows, doors, and foundations are entry points for spiders seeking shelter. Sealing these things can keep spiders out of your building.